Three Bears at HR DAYS 2021


Three Bears became the sponsor of HR DAYS 2021, the biggest annual forum on personnel management, which was held on July 29-30 in Kyiv region. 

Top heads in human resources management of Ukrainian and foreign companies participate in this event annually. HR DAYS is the platform for discussions on key trends in HR market and presenting the most interesting cases and best management solutions for effective work of HR specialists.


Three Bears Human Resources Director Yuliya Shavshyna was one of the forum speakers and presented the case “How to find funds inside the company: approaches to process optimization and increase in effectiveness of using employees’ labor potential.

During her speech Yuliya Shavshyna told about the “lean production” instruments in HR work, which were successfully implemented and continue to be implemented at Three Bears’ production. Yuliya Shavshyna focused on the results of the colossal work of the HR department towards manual work rationing and emphasized practical managerial HR solutions, aimed at increase of company’s work effectiveness.


“I think that the search for effectiveness may be called the trend of the year, and it is justified. Because the more free funds the company has, the more opportunities it has as well. The complex of all HR-instruments we use in Three Bears gives us the results we strive to achieve”, resumed Yuliya Shavshyna.
